Teeth Whitening Solutions

Teeth Whitening Solutions

Reston Heights Dental is your place to go for a brighter, more confident smile. Our clinic, located in Reston, Virginia is run by Dr. Karbasi, a skilled and compassionate dentist. We know how important it is to have a beautiful smile. That's why we offer teeth whitening options that are tailored to your needs. This page explores our teeth whitening solutions, what to expect during your appointment, and why Dr. Karbasi at Reston Heights Dental will help you achieve your desired results.

Teeth whitening can be a popular cosmetic procedure to remove stains, and discolorations and give you a brighter smile. As teeth age, they can become stained by factors like smoking, certain foods, beverages, and medications. Our teeth whitening products are designed to reverse the effects of these factors and enhance the natural beauty in your smile.

Reston Heights Dental Teeth Whitening Solutions

  1. In-Office Whitening: Dr. Karbasi performs this professional treatment in our Reston Clinic. The teeth are treated by applying a high-concentration whitening gel, activated with a special lamp. It usually takes an hour to complete the procedure, but you can expect dramatic, immediate results.
  2. Take-Home Whitening Kits: We offer take-home kits for those who want to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home. These kits come with custom-fitted trays as well as a professional-grade bleaching gel. Dr. Karbasi provides detailed instructions for using the kit to achieve optimal results.
  3. Whitening Pens and Strips: For minor touch-ups, we also offer over-the-counter options such as whitening strips and pens. These products may not be as powerful as professional treatments but they are effective in maintaining the brightness of your smile between visits.

What You Can Expect During Your Teeth Whitening Consultation

  1. Evaluation: Dr. Karbasi conducts a thorough examination of your teeth to determine if teeth whitening would be a good option for you.
  2. Goals Discussion: We will discuss with you your desired level and concerns.
  3. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on your goals and your current dental condition, Dr. Karbasi can recommend the best teeth whitening option for you.
  4. Pretreatment Instructions: Before undergoing in-office bleaching, it may be recommended that you undergo professional cleaning to remove surface plaque. This will enhance the results.

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Why Choose Dr. Karbasi for Teeth Whitening Solutions?

  • Experience and Expertise: Dr. Karbasi has performed root canal treatment for countless Reston, Virginia patients and helped them preserve their natural teeth.
  • Advanced Dental Technology: We have the most advanced dental technology in our clinic, which ensures precise and efficient treatments.
  • Patient Comfort: We are aware of the anxiety associated with dental procedures. We provide sedation and a calm environment to ensure your comfort.
  • Comprehensive Dental Care: Dr. Karbasi uses a holistic approach to dental care to ensure that you are treated for your oral health as a whole.
  • Convenient Location: Reston, Virginia is a convenient place to visit our clinic.

Schedule Your Teeth Whitening Consultation Today

Reston Heights Dental is located in Reston, Virginia. If you need more information or want to start the process of achieving a whiter smile, please contact us. Our team and Dr. Karbasi are committed to offering you personalized, effective solutions for teeth whitening. We can help you achieve that radiant smile you have always desired.

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FAQ's about Teeth Whitening Solutions

  • Does teeth whitening work?

    When performed by a qualified dentist like Dr. Karbasi it is safe and effective to brighten up your smile. We use materials and techniques that are proven to be safe and comfortable for you.

  • How long does teeth whitening work?

    Your lifestyle and dental hygiene habits will determine the longevity of your results. The effects of professional teeth bleaching can last from several months to many years with proper care. You can extend the life of whitening by doing regular touch-ups, and by avoiding habits that cause stains.

  • Will teeth whitening make me sensitive?

    During or after treatment, some patients may experience temporary sensitivity. Dr. Karbasi can provide you with helpful tips to reduce sensitivity. For example, he may suggest using a desensitizing paste or adjusting your whitening gel concentration.

  • Is it possible to remove all types of stains with teeth-whitening techniques?

    Teeth whitening works best on external stains, such as those caused by smoking, food, and drinks. If the internal stains are caused by trauma or medication, they may need alternative treatments such as veneers or crowns.

  • How do I maintain the results of teeth whitening after treatment?

    Regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene are important for a brighter smile. Dr. Karbasi might also recommend periodic touch-up treatments to maintain your smile's best appearance.

  • What are the side effects of teeth bleaching?

    Most patients do not experience any significant side effects, other than temporary sensitivity. To minimize potential risks, it's crucial to follow the instructions of Dr. Karbasi.

  • How much lighter can I make my teeth?

    The level of whitening can vary from person to person. Professional whitening can make teeth three to eight shades whiter on average. Dr. Karbasi can give you a realistic estimate based on the initial color of your teeth and the desired result.

  • Is it possible to whiten my teeth with restorations such as crowns or fillings?

    The color of dental restorations is not affected by whitening treatments. Dr. Karbasi can recommend other cosmetic options if you have visible dental restorations.

  • Does teeth whitening work for everyone?

    Teeth whitening is a good option for most adults who have healthy gums and teeth. It may not be appropriate for people with certain dental problems or nursing mothers and pregnant women. Dr. Karbasi can perform a thorough examination to determine whether teeth whitening will be right for you.

  • What is the cost of professional teeth whitening?

    The cost of professional teeth whitening depends on the type and extent of the treatment. Reston Heights Dental's team can give you a detailed estimate at your consultation.

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