Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Reston Heights Dental is a dental practice that puts your comfort and oral health first. Our clinic, located in Reston, Virginia is run by Dr. Karbasi, a compassionate and experienced dentist. Our team will make sure you have a stress-free and comfortable experience. We know that root canals can be intimidating. This page discusses the root canal treatment, what to expect, and why Dr. Karbasi at Reston Heights Dental is the best choice for your dental health.

When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected, or even inflamed, a root canal may be necessary. It can be caused by deep decay, repeated dental treatments, chips, or cracks in the tooth. A root canal removes the infected tissue and inflamed tissues, disinfects the tooth's interior, and then seals and fills the tooth to prevent future issues.

Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal

  • Pain when chewing or applying force to the teeth
  • Sensitivity to cold or heat for a long time
  • Tooth discoloration
  • The gums are swollen and tender.
  • The gums are prone to recurring or persistent pimples

The Root Canal Procedure at Reston Heights Dental

  1. Diagnosis and Consultation: The journey begins with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Karbasi. He will examine your symptoms, and perform X-rays and tests to determine if a treatment is needed.
  2. Anesthetic: The area around your affected tooth is numbed using a local anesthetic to ensure comfort.
  3. Pulp Removal: Dr. Karbasi creates an opening on the crown of the teeth to access the chamber. The inflamed or infected pulp will be removed with care.
  4. Cleaning & Shaping: To prepare the root canal system for filling, it will be cleaned and shaped with great care.
  5. Filling The Canal: After the canal has been cleaned and shaped, it will be filled with gutta-percha (a biocompatible material) and sealed using adhesive cement.
  6. Restorative: The tooth must be protected and restored to its original function after the root canal.
  7. Follow-Up: Dr. Karbasi schedules follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure that the treatment is successful.

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Why Choose Dr. Karbasi for Root Canal Treatments?

  • Experience and Expertise: Dr. Karbasi has performed root canal treatment for countless Reston, Virginia patients and helped them preserve their natural teeth.
  • Advanced Dental Technology: We have the most advanced dental technology in our clinic, which ensures precise and efficient treatments.
  • Patient Comfort: We are aware of the anxiety associated with dental procedures. We provide sedation and a calm environment to ensure your comfort.
  • Comprehensive Dental Care: Dr. Karbasi uses a holistic approach to dental care to ensure that you are treated for your oral health as a whole.
  • Convenient Location: Reston, Virginia is a convenient place to visit our clinic.

Book Your Consultation Now

Reston Heights Dental is located in Reston, Virginia. If you have further questions or concerns regarding root canal treatment, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team and Dr. Karbasi are ready to give you the information you need to maintain a healthy and pain-free smile.

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FAQ's about Root Canal Treatment

  • Does a root canal procedure hurt?

    Modern techniques and anesthesia ensure that most patients feel minimal discomfort. Our priority is your comfort. We will make sure you feel as relaxed as possible during the procedure.

  • What is the average time for a root canal?

    Depending on the complexity, the procedure can take between one and two visits. Each visit can last from 60 to 90 min.

  • What are the chances of success for root canal treatment?

    Many teeth treated with root canals last a lifetime. Dr. Karbasi utilizes the most advanced techniques and materials to achieve the best outcome.

  • Can I drive home after my root canal treatment?

    Most patients are able to drive themselves home following the procedure. You will need someone else to drive you home if you are sedated.

  • What is the best way to care for my teeth after a root canal?

    Dr. Karbasi provides you with specific instructions on how to take care of your tooth, manage any discomfort that may occur, and maintain it.

  • Are there any alternatives to root canal therapy?

    The most common alternative to a tooth root canal is extraction. When possible, it is best to preserve your natural tooth. Dr. Karbasi can discuss with you all the options available.

  • When can I resume my normal activities following a root canal procedure?

    The majority of patients are able to resume normal activities the next day. It's best to avoid chewing the treated tooth until its full restoration.

  • What are the symptoms that indicate a need for a root canal?

    The signs include severe toothache, prolonged hot and cold sensitivity, discoloration of the teeth, swelling of the gums, and tenderness.

  • Does it feel normal to have pain after a treatment for a root canal?

    It is normal to experience some discomfort or mild pain for a couple of days following the procedure. Pain relievers are usually available over the counter to manage this.

  • Can an infected tooth after a root canal re-infect?

    It is possible, but rare, for a tooth after a root canal to become infected again. This can be prevented by regular check-ups, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

  • What is the cost of a root canal?

    The cost of a root canal varies depending on how complex the case is and where the tooth is located. Our staff will provide you with a quote and can discuss your payment options.

  • Does insurance cover root canal treatment?

    Many dental insurance plans will cover a part of the cost of root canal treatment. We can help maximize your benefits and understand your coverage.

  • How can I calm my nerves before a root canal procedure?

    Let us know if you are anxious. Sedation is available to ensure your comfort and relaxation.

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