Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Reston Heights Dental is dedicated to comprehensive dental care including oral surgery. Our practice, located in Reston, Virginia is run by Dr. Karbasi, a highly skilled and compassionate dentist. Our team will ensure that you have a comfortable, safe, and successful experience. This page will explain the services we offer in our office, what to expect, and why Dr. Karbasi is the best choice for your oral health.

Understanding Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a broad term that covers a variety of procedures performed on teeth, gums, and jaws as well as the surrounding facial and oral structures. The procedures are designed to address a variety of dental and medical problems, from simple extractions to complex surgeries. Reston Heights Dental offers a variety of oral surgery procedures including:

  1. Tooth extractions: This includes the removal of wisdom teeth, teeth with severe decay, and teeth that cannot be repaired.
  2. Dental Implants: A permanent solution to replace missing teeth. They involve the surgical placement of titanium posts into the jawbone that act as anchors for replacement teeth.
  3. Bone Grafting: A procedure that increases the density and volume of the jawbone, which may be required to place dental implants or to treat bone loss.
  4. Corrective Jaw Surgery (also known as Orthognathic Surgery): This procedure corrects irregularities in your jaw and improves facial appearance.
  5. Oral pathology: Diagnosis of and treatment for diseases that affect the oral and maxillofacial region, including cysts, tumors, and oral cancer.

Procedure for Oral Surgery at Reston Heights Dental

  1. Initial Consultation: The journey begins with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Karbasi. During the visit, Dr. Karbasi will examine you and review your dental and medical history. He will also discuss your goals and concerns.
  2. Diagnostic Imaging: Advanced imaging methods, such as 3D CT scanners, can be used to assess and plan the surgical procedure with precision.
  3. Treatment Planning: Dr. Karbasi develops a customized treatment plan that outlines the recommended procedure, anticipated outcomes, and any preparation steps.
  4. Pre-Operative Instructions: You will be given detailed instructions on how to prepare for surgery. This includes dietary instructions, instructions on medication, and information about what to expect on the day of your procedure.
  5. Follow-Up Visits: Dr. Karbasi schedules regular follow-up visits to monitor your recovery and ensure that your surgery is successful.

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Why Choose Dr. Karbasi for Oral Surgery?

  1. Experience: Dr. Karbasi has extensive experience and is highly qualified as an oral surgeon. He has performed many successful oral surgeries. His experience ensures you will receive the highest quality of care with the best outcomes.
  2. Advanced Dental Technology: Our office is equipped with advanced technology including 3D scanning and digital imaging, which allow for precise planning of oral surgery procedures.
  3. Comfort Focused: Reston Heights Dental prioritizes your comfort and well-being. Our team and Dr. Karbasi take the time to listen to you, address your concerns, and answer any questions. We then provide you with personalized care that is tailored to your specific needs.
  4. Holistic Treatments: Dr. Karbasi is a strong believer in holistic treatment planning. He will work closely with you in order to create a treatment plan that is comprehensive and addresses both your immediate surgical requirements as well as your long-term goals for oral health.
  5. Sedation Options: Oral surgery can be intimidating. We offer sedation options to help you relax and feel comfortable. We provide a variety of sedation options so that you can be comfortable and relaxed throughout your procedure.

Book Your Consultation Now

Reston Heights Dental is located in Reston, Virginia, and can help you if you need oral surgery. Our team is here to support you and provide expert care at every stage. Book your consultation and start the journey to a happier, healthier smile.

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FAQ's about Oral Surgery

  • Does oral surgery hurt?

    Your comfort is our top priority during all procedures. There are options for local anesthesia or sedation to reduce discomfort during oral surgery. Pain can be controlled with pain relievers prescribed by your dentist or purchased over the counter. We will also provide detailed instructions on how to care for yourself after surgery.

  • How long does it take to recover from oral surgery

    The recovery time depends on the complexity and type of surgery. Recovery time for minor procedures can be as little as a few weeks, whereas more complex surgeries may take several weeks. Dr. Karbasi can provide you with personalized guidance and a timeline for your recovery to ensure that the healing process is smooth.

  • What should I eat following oral surgery?

    To avoid causing any discomfort to the surgical site, it is recommended that you stick to a liquid or soft diet immediately following your surgery. You can choose foods like yogurt, soups, and mashed potatoes. As you recover, Dr. Karbasi recommends that you gradually introduce more solid food.

  • How do I prepare for oral surgery?

    The preparation is the key to a smooth and successful recovery. Pre-operative instructions from Dr. Karbasi may include adjusting medication, fasting, and arranging transportation home following the procedure.

  • What are the possible risks of oral surgery?

    There are risks associated with every surgical procedure. These include infection, bleeding, or anesthesia reactions. Dr. Karbasi is prepared to discuss all risks and will take every precaution to minimize them.

  • What should I do after a mouth surgery?

    A successful recovery depends on the proper post-operative treatment. It may be necessary to rinse with salt water gently, avoid certain foods and activities, and take prescribed medication as directed. Dr. Karbasi can provide you with aftercare instructions that are tailored to your specific procedure.

  • How soon can I go back to school or work after an oral surgery?

    Depending on your recovery and the type of surgery you had, will determine when you can return to work or school. You may be able to return to work or school the following day for minor procedures. However, more complex surgeries could require a longer period of recovery. Dr. Karbasi can advise you on the best timeline for your situation.

  • What should I do after surgery if I have complications?

    Reston Heights Dental should be contacted immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms, complications, or signs, including excessive bleeding, severe discomfort, or signs of infection. We are here to offer you prompt guidance and assistance.

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